
Professional Team

Meet the Founders

Duane Moyer

Owner / Hair Stylist

Jennifer Ryder-Merrill

Owner / Hair Stylist

Our Professional Experts

You are in good hands --- our staff receives over two years of training in their specialties to ensure professional and knowledgeable services. In addition, continuing education ensures that they are on the cutting edge of all the latest hair styles.

Hair Stylists / Nail and Skin Care Professionals

Amy Wintermyer

Hair Stylist / Nail Technician

Bridgette Fleming

Hair Stylist

Hyacinthe Peithman

Hair Stylist

Jackie Carroll

Hair Stylist

Kathleen Ryder

Skin Care Professional

Liz Ricciardi

Hair Stylist / Nail Technician

Sarah Martinez

Hair Stylist / Skin Care / Nail Technician

Sonny Hammill

Hair Stylist


Hair Stylist / Nail Technician

Vicky Sgagias

Skin Care Professional

Massage Therapists

Amanda Reever

Licensed Massage Therapist

Amy Cooke

Licensed Massage Therapist

Lauren Oldhouser

Licensed Massage Therapist

Sheila Henry

Licensed Massage Therapist

Front Desk Professionals

Jennie Wooten

Front Desk Professional

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